Wednesday, March 23, 2005

HK & Taiwan Praise Report!

God broke through in major ways in our last 2 meetings in Hong Kong.Really.....History was made. Read below the praises!......

Hong Kong University Revival Movement testimonies:

1. 180 Hong Kong University leaders representing every university in HK and every different campus organization repented, reconciled & made covenant to work in UNITY to transform every college campus in HK.

2. Jeremy Story (my ministry partner) preached a powerful word Mon night on unity in prayer and strategic action. Out of this time, student leaders openly confessed sin in the public meeting. It was so powerful... student leaders repented openly about: adultery, homosexuality, pride, jealousy, bitterness towards other campus ministers & at the end all reconciled & committed to reaching every college campus in HK as one Body of Christ! (first night)

3. All 180 Hong Kong university student leaders committed to start a CAMPUS CHURCH/CELL among an un-reached student group on their univeristy campus. I was so AMAZED at the response! Literally, all the different campus fellowship leaders are going to work together to see new STUDENT LED CHURCHES planted wherever they have identified unreached pockets of students on campus! (second night)

4. That second historic night. The campus student leaders covenanted to never speak evil of one another. Then they all took the challenge to become missionaries on their campus so that God would start another

5. Talking to the campus staff leaders they said this kind of REPENTANCE, RECONCILIATION, AND UNITY that happened among the different campus fellowships was a MIRACLE! This kind of stuff has never happened ever before. Conservative and Charismatic students leaders reconciled, and the list goes on :)

6. The university movement is now on the rise. March 14 they will have their 3rd all city United in Prayer gathering of university students ata university. Keep this in prayer!

7. We sensed God had spoken a prophetic word that our heavenly vision in 2005 was for the whole body of Christ, taking the whole Gospel to the whole campus----so that every lost student would hear the Gospel on every college campus in 2005.

8. God sooooooooooooooo blows me away! The day after I sent my prayer request out. The next morning over 100 pastors/youth workers spent an entire morning in intercession for all the youth on every campusin Hong Kong. WE DECLARED TO FORM A SHIELD OF PROTECTION AND SUPPORT for this youth army movement. You could sense the BREAKTHROUGH, I am so encouraged.

9. All together: Now reported

> Over 200 secondary student leaders from different churchescommitted to starting Campus Churches/Cells on their campuses among unreached students in 2005

> 180+ university student leaders from differentcolleges/fellowships committed to unity and starting campus churches/cells on every college inHong Kong in 2005.

> The goal is to see 10,000 new student converts and 1000 new campus churches established on campuses in Hong Kong in 2005.",//-->

10. Global Day of Prayer:

It is now confirmed May 15, 2005 HK will sponsor 2 stadiums to be filled with Christians all over the city in unity. Almost every denominational head is on board working together to mobilize ALL CHRISTIANS in Hong Kong to repent and pray with the rest of the nations for worldwide revival! Weare planning at the end of April to hold a YOUTH CONFERENCE ON PRAYER to mobilize the youth movement twds the GDOP. (

Over 150 countries now participating!May God go above and beyond what we could ask think or imagine! :)

Taiwan last night.....

I can't explain with words. But the POWER of God continues to flow.
Last night at our first meeting in Taiwan the spirit of repentace and reconciliation cameagain. Jeremy Story felt led to fly in from Hong Kong just for one dayto ministerwith me in Taiwan at Bread of Life Church in Taipei. We both spoke on the powerunited prayer and strategic action to TRANSFORM ENTIRE CAMPUSES! NateChung our partner from Hawaii\'s campus revival movement also spoke. It waspowerful again.

1. The students were challenged to PUBLICALLY confess their sins before we moved forward to reach the campuses of Taiwan.

2. The aisle was flooded with students repenting publically of theirsins: everything from pride, fear, rebellion and doubt to ....sexual immorality,internet porn, mafia involvement, jealousy, slander, idol worship etc wererepented out loud at the altar. The repentance didn't stop and finally we had toend the meeting.

3. The students are now crying out in HOLINESS asking God to bring revival was reconciliation between pastors and their flock. It was beautiful.

4. At our "multiplying campus churches among unreached students" training over 400 plus student leaders representing over 70 campuses
committed to starting a campus church planting church on their university
or campus. It was amazing and a complete God thing!

5. We trained the student leaders in "prophetic evangelism" and "apostolic
preaching" we are already getting back reports of students prophesying
over unbelieving students in class and winning them to the Lord and
baptizing them the same day on campus! Let it rumble Lord!

6. The youth leaders network retreat was ASTONISHING. About 20
leading Youth Pastors and Campus Directors spent 2 days seeking
God with NO AGENDA. God showed up and reconciled leaders,
they covenanted together to work together as one youth campus
movement in Taiwan. I was amazed at the UNITY of vision and desire
to humble themselves and serve this youth generation for campus
revival. Praise God....He is a God of reconciliation!

7. Globay day of Prayer:

Last time I was in Taipei I shared with the national intercessory network leaders about GDOP. I found out 2 days ago they have also secured a STADIUM in Taiwan calling all the Christians to prayer on May 15, 2005. Yes, the GLORY OF THE LORD WILL FILL THE EARTH


Lastly, I wanted to share an letter a high school student leader wrote me.It so encouraged me after that night I felt attacked and doubts had come inmy mind that the enemy would try to steal the seed planted in the studentleaders who committed to starting campus churches/cells. All I can say is, I am so grateful, so very grateful that God can use me & our team in a little way to help fan the flames of a youth revival movementhere in Asia. This is stuff I dreamed about years ago. To see youth revival in the nations...and now its happening. God you are too good. Too too good!

Encouraging Letter from HK high school student leader:

"I have been really blessed by this conference. Every discouragement has left me and I can literally feel demons loosening their grip on me. It'sGod in me that does the work. God gave me a vision after the discouragement left. It was His promise to me- I saw a picture of the hall in my school filled withstudents raising their hands worshipping in the Spirit and in Truth. And today I saw 2places to pray for the school- the flagpole and a little area by the canteen. Forthe area by the canteen, I just saw it (the group) growing and growing, until therewas a circle going around the whole area. I still don't know where to pray, but I'm going to do it. I think I should just go "win souls and make disciples" whilespreading this way I thought to other Christians. I can hear God telling me I can do it! Another answered prayer is I can feel God's presence so strongly every moment of theday. Waiting on Him and Him responding. Indeed we worship a GREAT GOD. Yea, I'm constantly praying for you. Praying for the schools and nations, the ends of the earth."Amen. Praise be to God!

Student from Hong Kong ---------

Please continue to pray for the youth revival movements in Hong Kong
and Taiwan. Pray for God's protection and strength for each of those
battling on the front lines of their campuses for revival. amen.