Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation

Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us , Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God.' If possible, please pass this prayer on to your friends. 'If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything.'

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

VOTE & PRAY - The US Presidential Elections

With less than 10 days to the election I wanted to ask all of us who care about this country to seriously pray for our nations leadership, spiritual state and future direction. As a follower of Jesus Christ I do not claim to be a Republican or a Democrat. I am first and foremost an ambassador of God's kingdom. My values and convictions are first established by God's unchanging Word and the commands set forth in it. I vote as a Christian, and I pray for to our Father that His kingdom would come and His will would be done on earth, in America as it is in heaven.

First, I want to make clear that I am not pro-Obama nor am I pro-Mccain, I am pro-Jesus. I respect both candidates (the others also), but I do not necessarily agree with what each believes in or their conduct and behavior in this campaign. Will I vote for one over the other, yes I will. But let me explain why. When I vote I take into consideration both candidates history, background, voting record, character and value system. After long and careful prayer and thought, I am voting for the Mccain/Palin ticket.

Some of the reasons I am voting for Mccain/Palin are as follows...
  • Mccain's long proven experience versus Obama's short experience as a junior Senator. (Mccain 22 years vs. Obama 173 days in senate)
  • Mccain's stance on war and terrorism that opposes unconditional diplomatic talks w/ it's militant leaders vs. Obama who is willing to unconditionally talk with anyone (Obama's position in my opinion is very dangerous. With no military background and his current positions on war and negotiations w/ terrorist/nuclear leaders it brings me great concern to America's future military strength and our ability to stand and protect Israel)
  • Mccain's decision to not add any new taxes and promote a simplified tax system vs. Obama's spread the wealth theory which in my estimation is "socialism" which equates to "communism" and has been proven throughout world history to not work but deteriorate a society. I believe Obama's economic plan will not work by raising capital gains taxes, but hurt the economy more in our current economic recession resulting in less businesses and jobs for the working class and poor.
  • Mccain pro-life stance to overturn the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision to end abortion vs. Obama who is pro-choice and has the most liberal voting record in the US Senate to date. (Obama - Opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v Wade. Disagreed with Supreme Court ruling to uphold the "Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act." Did not cast a vote on Prohibiting Funds for Groups that Perform Abortions amendment in 2007.) I can not and will not ever vote for a president who is pro-choice. God created life before the beginning of time and we are not to destroy what He created by aborting it. To date over 40 million babies have been aborted in America since 1973, 4,000 per day are aborted and this is an atrocity. I was almost aborted, but God saved my life 5 minutes before my mother went through with the decision. We must pray and fight for the lives of the unborn & promote a culture of life and a president who upholds the sanctity of life.
  • Supreme Court Justices - the next president will have the power to appoint 2 more supreme court justices and I personally will vote for Mccain/Palin because of their voting record on traditional moral and family values. Mccain/Palin will more likely put in 2 justices who are conservative rather than liberal. Mccain also would appoint as judges men and women who interpret a law by applying it as written, whereas Obama would appoint as judges those who interpret the law in accordance with their own personal beliefs. The Supreme Court is a lifetime position and it is crucial that we see to it that righteous and just judges are put into place to rule our country according to God's Word for the next decades to come.
  • Obama's is the most liberal senator on the sentate today, his Biblical values are not clear & in many instances go against the grain of Scripture, his political and spiritual history is questionable, and to me actions speak louder than words. He is in an incredible orator, I believe he loves America, but his voting record on key issues like (abortion, war on terrorism, sanctity of marriage, stem cell research, and his economic views, check his voting record with values voter guide and other links below) lead me to question his character and ability to lead in a time of crisis. (I have also read his autobiography and other books documenting his political ideology, campaign tactics and strategies, and political associates. Many ideas and practices he stated or acted upon in my estimation were unethical, gray, and left me with too many questions. Again, I believe he has a good heart and truly desires change, but his approach is not something I can personally support, Read: Audacity for Hope & Case Against Barak Obama - which I thought the latter was surprisingly objective & well documented). At the same time, no one is perfect, neither is Mccain/Palin but in a time of crisis and having to choose between the two, (I know I can vote for others but I don't believe it will make a major difference), this is why I will vote for Mccain/Palin who align more with my values, convictions and beliefs than Obama/Biden.
  • I know many will differ in their opinion in who to vote for because of other issues: such as poverty, different opinions on war, environment, health care and issues of social justice and human equality, that are also on God's heart. I am not here to argue, but I am here to encourage each of you to seek understanding, to pray about your decision and to vote according to your convictions. I pray we can all respect each others opinions and beliefs.
Attached is a "Values Voter Guide" that will compare side by side Mccain vs. Obama on traditional Christian values ranging from: stem cell research, immigration, same sex marriage, abortion, interpretation of the constitutional law etc. value%20voters%20guide.pdf & the faith based interview w/ Pastor Rick Warren between Obama and Mccain on the main issues in a final transcript form Certified_Final_Transcript.pdf

Also, follow this link to CNN to see where each candidate stands on the main issues to make an informed and prayerful decision click here

I simply ask that whoever you vote for to: pray, gain understanding, mobilize others to do the same and do your part as a citizen of America and cast your vote. May Gods will be done and His kingdom come to this great country in need of His mercy in this critical hour.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sharon Stone and Cindy Jacobs: “Prophetic Words About the Current Economic System and POLITICAL CRISIS”

This prophetic word was given in the summer of 2008 before the economic collapse and Sarah Palin announcement. Keep our economy, our government and most of all our nation in prayer and fasting as we enter into a season of great shaking and shifting. (note: this word is not in opposition to Sarah Palin, she is a devout Christian who stands on Biblical values that I hold to. I also know through trusted friends who know her and pray with her that she is truly seeking God's will and blessing for our nation. Let us pray for the protection of our leaders. I will write more on the elections in the next few days. JMA)

Sharon Stone and Cindy Jacobs: “Prophetic Words About the Current Economic System and POLITICAL CRISIS”

by Sharon Stone and Cindy Jacobs

Dr. Sharon Stone:
“September Will Convince You that You Must Connect to His Economic System”
The following is a prophecy given by Dr. Sharon Stone in Glasgow, Scotland in the summer of 2008. The notations in ITALICS are fulfillment of the word, but are not part of the word given.

September is a Turning Point

“September is a turning point and a sign of the times. It is all about those who have made Godly alignments in this season being blessed with revelation and information in the midst of world crisis.

“I see more banks will suffer: a USA world bank’s shares are in trouble (Lehman Brothers files bankruptcy, September 15, 2008). I see government in the USA bailing out mortgage giants (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Federal takeover, September 7, 2008) and the government in England cutting house purchase taxes for the sagging housing crisis (Stamp Duty Tax change announced, September 2, 2008) to no avail.

“I see a European airline failing with no notice (XL files bankruptcy, September 12, 2008). I see the eyes of the world looking to see, ‘Who is this coming out of Alaska?’ (Sarah Palin announced as McCain’s running mate, August 29, 2008). And I see smoke coming from the Chunnel (Fire in the Chunnel, September 11, 2008).

“As I see these things, I hear the encouragement of God to His Isaacs in the earth who sow in the times of famine and reap 100 fold in the year. I’m not a prosperity preacher, I’m a prophet. And God is saying that September will convince you that you must connect to His economic system. There are always the few that are greatly blessed when the majority are shaken, threatened and fearful.”

God says, “Have you positioned yourself for THE NEW? Your storehouse is not an earthly bank. Hold on and I will bail you out of your mortgage issues. Am I not better to you than any government? I will not leave you stranded on foreign soil, and I will carry you above the circumstances better than any plane or jet. And your hope is not an Alaskan saviour, but Me.” I know that sounds strange, it does to me also.

“England, the smoke I saw coming out of the Chunnel is a warning for your intercessors to arise and cut off the enemy’s plan to sabotage and siege England’s favour in trade. Let him who has ears hear….

“God, I release an Isaac anointing upon us now!”

Dr. Sharon Stone
Christian International Europe

About Sharon Stone: Sharon is the founder and senior minister of Christian International Europe. She is widely recognized as an Apostolic Prophet to the nations and has traveled to over thirty nations. By the age of nineteen, Sharon was an Intern Pastor and within twelve years she had pioneered and planted two churches and was the president of a Bible college. In 1996, Sharon and her family relocated to England to pioneer Christian International Europe with the intention of developing and mobilizing prophets and apostles to unlock harvest in the nations. Sharon has three grown children and is married to Greg Black.

Cindy Jacobs:

“In the Midst of the Shaking, God Has Prepared an Intercessory Thrust!”
God Said, “Call Together My People to Pray for the Economy”

During a worship service at the end of January, the Lord spoke to me in a long, ringing voice, “Cindy Jacobs, the strongman over America doesn’t live in Washington D.C. - the strongman that really rules over this nation lives in New York City! Call together My people to pray for the economy.”

I knew then that the economy was going to crash without effective, fervent intercession. The Lord went on to speak to me with the words: “October 29th was Black Tuesday, the day the stock market crashed, and satan wants to do it again!”

Shaken to the core, I pondered what to do. I knew that I must call the people of God to converge in New York City the week of October 29, 2008 - for an emergency prayer rally to cry out against economic collapse because the economy was going to shake!

During that week, we will have some of the finest apostolic prayer leaders from across the country join together for several days of onsite prayer strikes at key locations throughout New York City including: Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange, the Federal Reserve and the United Nations.

We are then calling the Body of Believers from around the world to join us on October 31 and November 1 in Brooklyn, New York for Convergence ‘08 - an emergency prayer rally for immediate stabilization of our national and global markets.

October 31st is also Reformation Day in Germany. Some of you know that while my husband Mike and I were in Germany on this day in 2007, as we stood before the Wittenberg Door where Martin Luther tacked the 95 theses, we had four separate dramatic visitations, each of which said it had been 490 years since the last reformation (Daniel 9) and we were to pray for a new reformation to begin.

This was fascinating to me as I had just spent two years of my life writing my new book The Reformation Manifesto on the subject of how to not only be a reformer, but how to reform the arts, media, family, government, education, economic systems, etc.

The political parties within the United States and the United Nations are currently running on a platform of reform, as corruption is being exposed around the world and the citizens are shouting, “We are tired of being used!” One leader in the U.S. said that it was because of the addiction to O.P.M. (other people’s money) that corruption has almost destroyed our economic systems.

Pray to Shift the Economy

I am calling you to come from the ends of the earth to pray to “shift the economy.” What do I mean by “shifting the economy”? Last January, at Chuck Pierce’s Starting the Year off Right conference, God gave a group of us a prophetic word that He was going to “shift the bull and the bear market to become a lion market” and then went on to say, “And I will have enough shares in this market.”

For too long we have known to pray for our nations, but we have not known how to see to it that the Lion of Judah ran the economies of nations. He is the Creator, and believe me, He knows how to heal nations!

The Lord has shown me that He wants to release a “corporate Joseph anointing” into the Body of Christ in 2009 and 2010. If one looks at the history of the Stock Market Crash of 1929, although many suffered, there were those that gained great wealth because they knew what to do in difficult times. This is the manifestation of the Issachar anointing that we are crying out to God for during this time of shaking. God is going to show us what to do.

God Said, “Pray for the Stock Markets and Economic Systems”

Although the word I am going to give is a strong, dire one, think of it as a warning that is merciful. Judgment can be averted and a blessing left behind with economic systems changed in such a way that will eradicate systemic corruption - so that we can eradicate systemic poverty.

For the Lord says, “I am answering your prayers and have begun the cleansing of Wall Street; exposing the wickedness and greed in high places. Pray now and I will begin to give the leaders of the nation wisdom on how to revamp and reverse the debtor system currently in place. This is a course correction.

“If you do not pray at this time, you will miss your day of visitation and the economy will collapse, causing a ripple effect that will sweep the nations with a major tsunami wave. This wave will begin to touch the ground, as even the harvests of the world will be affected. Food shortages, hyper-inflation and other sorrows, especially affecting the poor, will take place.

“However, I say, if My people respond and fall on their face and cry out at this time with a mighty cry, I will hear them and heal their lands.

“Hear, O nations of the earth! Respond with weeping and travail and pray for the stock markets and economic systems. Pray for your leaders as well; for the earth is in the throes of a deep shaking at this moment; for the systems of the earth must be reformed.

“Do not despair and think that I cannot heal; that I will not hear your crying to Me from My throne in Heaven. My ear is carefully listening for your sound, so I will reverse the curse and bring a blessing upon your lands.”

This is no time for business as usual! As per Joel 2, it is time for the Bridegroom to come out of the chamber and fight for the land.

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE,
Albany, OR 97321
Phone 1-541-926-3250

Thursday, October 23, 2008


an update on the new music project. I've been spending the last few weeks focusing on my new album that is coming out next year. It's been quite a surreal experience to say the least. Last week we recorded a new track called "PASSION" ... this song meant alot to me because if I were to define my life in one word it would be this word "passion" ...for passion is the heart set free to pursue that which is truly worthy. I found what is worthy to pursue in my life and that pursuit is Christ.

we recorded the track that night with DNA, Jin the MC, Kevnish, Proghress (FM) and Catch in K-Town. It was a great time to be with my SOL brothers who encouraged me and stirred up the best in my spirit to release the words that came out of my mouth.

Note: almost every verse spoken on these tracks are freestyles, like a sermon, but on beats. It's joke, can't wait for yall to hear what is comn. keep it in your prayers!

check out the Far East Movement blog post on the night PASSION

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Call California

TheCall California - November 1, 2008

Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego

10am - 10pm


They came like waves crashing onto the shores of California. Leaving behind a legacy of glory and apostolic influence, great manifestations of the power and love of God broke in on past generations of hungry saints. Waves of God’s great presence cascaded upon her shores in 1906, 1919, 1947, 1948, 1967, 1971, 1980, and 1994. These waves are California’s revivals. In the midst of unspeakable decadence, corporate greed, cultural trend setting, and global pornographic exportation, there lies deposited deeply below California’s crusty surface gold-there’s oil in her hills. Something continually draws God to the scene. Could it be that God is drawn to her pain? Maybe God sees her shores as hosting planet's lost prophets with misplaced passions or maybe he is drawn to the cry of her wandering masses. Whatever be the case, He comes, and when he does, the entire world is changed. The tongues of fire that erupted at Azusa have lit up the world. The revivals sown in Hollywood loosed great evangelists like Bill Bright and Billy Graham. The Jesus Movement gave us Calvary love songs that have kissed the youth of the globe. The new wine of worship and healing came from California’s vineyards. These ancient songs awaken us from our nightmare and remind us something that was and can be again. Hollywood, the “woman at the well”, could become the great evangelist again in these last days.

In 1946, Franklin Hall launched a fasting and prayer movement out of San Diego with a book called Atomic Power With God Through Fasting and Prayer. Thousands were stirred to enter into extended consecration fasts. Shortly after, the great healing revival broke out in 1947, followed by the campus revivals, and the Hollywood revivals in 1948. In the very same year, across the globe in the heart of the middle-east, by God’s divine mandate Israel was again called a nation. Could there be that there was a connection between what God was doing in California and the orchestrating of His divine purposes in the creation of the nation of Israel? Is it possible that the outpouring of God presence and the igniting of prayer in California were in reality connected with God’s heart to birth an entire nation? I believe it was global Joel 2 moment in which the scripture promises that after the fast, God would restore the land and pour out his spirit on all flesh. I hear TheCall again; “Gather the people, call a fast, and afterwards I will pour out my spirit.”

Now 50 years later, California sits within a fog of Jezebel confusion. Recently the Supreme Court of California disregarded the votes of the people and legalized homosexual marriage. The entire world listened attentively as the mayor of San Francisco boasted, “As California goes, so goes the rest of the nation. Its inevitable, this door is wide open. It’s going to happen whether you like it or not. This is the future, and its now.” The world is looking to California for moral leadership while California finds herself caught in the snare of idolatry and self-worship. Recently I received an urgent call on behalf of hundreds of pastors admitting that California wouldn’t be saved simply political petitioning and confessed the reality of an ongoing spiritual battle within the state and the need to mobilize for mass fasting and prayer. They asked us to bring TheCall to San Diego, not knowing that we received several powerful directives from the Lord a year ago that TheCall was going to go to the stadium in San Diego.

This bill mentioned is a reflection of how far down the line we have come in removing the very moral foundations that preserve society. The moral levies in America are breaking and once marriage is redefined, it will be a matter of time before the entire structure of morality collapses within our nation. In one sense, this bill mirrors our own inward moral concessions as a church to the prevailing culture, and it is the fruit of a compromising silence that has failed to confront the rising spiritual and political contenders. But it is not too late! This is not a time for hiding in caves. This is a time to resist mightily the spirit of peaceful coexistence and apathetic resignation in the face of this prevailing darkness. We are coming to a Mount Carmel moment, which I believe could be the church’s finest hour where she challenges her own compromise and then gains authority through prayer and action which is her true vocation. Then our light will break forth like the dawn and truth will no longer be trampled under the feet of renegade kings and judges. The church is not at the mercy of political decrees of destruction. Jesus is the Lord of history! Though these decrees stand today, they will not stand forever. God is the one who reverses the edicts of man, using the church as an agent of righteous revolution to displace kings and overthrow their decrees through the weapons of fasting and prayer.

Therefore, we are summoning believers from all across the state of California and the nation to gather for a Joel 2 moment. When there is no remedy, when there is no natural hope, God still has a holy prescription. Blow the trumpet in Zion, gather the people, and call a fast. Let the believers of this great state gather and cry out to God believing that California could become the flash point of real change in America not the open door to societal collapse. Let us return to the fasting praying womb in San Diego and seek the face of God on November 1st, 2008 at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, CA.



Sunday, October 19, 2008

onething 2008

Psalm 27:4
4 One thing I ask of the LORD,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple.

Calling forth a generation to pursue onething: JESUS

one word - GO! (onething website)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Crying Out for Mercy in Hong Kong - BELLA

Bella is coming to Hong Kong. This is a major answer to prayer as Hong Kong sadly is the number one industrialized city in the world for abortions. Nearly 1 out of every 3 babies are aborted in this city. This is an atrocity. We are repenting, praying and promoting Bella in Hong Kong with it's premiere Nov 11, 2008. If you are in Hong Kong I urge you to mobilize every student, on every campus, in every church, in every community to get family and friends to watch this beautiful award winning and life changing film. It will not only inspire you to love, but this movie will literally save destinies.

The main actor Eduardo will be in HK for the premiere and promoting the film to schools, churches and those in the entertainment industry during the premiere week. Pray the Lord opens major doors for the voices of the unborn to be heard, for the church to rise up to stand for righteousness and justice and for the media/entertainment field in Asia to be impacted with the power of the saving Gospel!

Watch the video above. I shared in Hong Kong to students in August the story and inspiration behind this film, why we must get behind it and why I believe in it. Let's do this for the innocent.

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Romance & Relationships (Part 3 - An Addendum)

This is the last post from my young but super wise friend Becky Hill on "Romance & Relationships" it's an addendum to the last post on God's Hand & Our Heart. I personally enjoyed this post very much, because it brought so much clarity on God's sovereignty in relationships and our personal response to His leading. I'm realizing more and more how love is free, it is a choice and it completely focused on the other not yourself. May God give us all grace and wisdom to walk out healthy relationships, especially with the opposite sex. Pray. Keep your heart pure. Follow God. Learn to love. Enjoy the journey! :D

Becky's Blog

As I’ve been talking to friends recently about some of the issues of R&R #3 coming up in their lives, I realized that I need to clarify a few things. There are two aspects to the formation of every romantic relationship: 1) the Lord’s sovereignty [God's hand], and 2) our choices [our heart]. You cannot exclusively operate in one or the other if you desire to walk in righteousness and wisdom in a relationship.

The Lord is faithful to give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4). Though this does not mean that I will be answered if I ask for a Mercedes Benz, it does mean that He is concerned with the welfare and pleasure of His children. He loves to make us happy, but in the ultimate sense of the word instead of the temporary fix we’re used to. The reason there are countless stories of divine “hook ups” is because they’re real. The Lord knows who we are better than we do, and He also knows what will bring us into the greatest measure of love for Him, which are both dynamically apart of choosing a spouse. Though there is no Scripture that says, “I shall give thee thine perfect suite-mate,” there are a multitude of Biblical testimonies of the Lord’s kindness in providinga wife, a husband, or children to those who had lost hope for such things (to name a few: Sarah’s barrenness, Isaac’s loneliness, Jacob’s loneliness, Rachel’s barrenness, both Boaz and Ruth’s loneliness, Hannah’s barrenness, and the list goes on…). In Psalm 68:6, the Lord explicitly promises that He will set the lonely in families, so whatever expression that may take for each individual, it is nevertheless deeply on His heart. The only way forward is to trust, pray, wait, and delight yourself in Him with whatever circumstances He’s put you under. Bottom line–I actually believe that the Lord will provide a spouse to those who ask Him.

The other aspect of sovereignty is that there is a divine aspect to love. Song of Solomon 2:7, 3:5, & 8:4 all speak of not arousing or awakening love until it so desires, and that means that love is not mostly objective. There can be someone in your midst who simply seems perfect for you and everything “lines up” about you two (life calling, communication style, world view, personal interests, etc), but if the Lord doesn’t breathe on both of your hearts, it cannot work. This is what the Romans would call the arrow of Cupid, we modernly refer to it as chemistry, but whatever the case it’s actually valid. If you’ve ever instantly connected with someone and felt like you wanted to know everything about them, then you know what I’m talking about. If both parties don’t have this happen (preferably it’s progressive instead of instantaneous), you will not be able to have a healthy relationship. Do not try to force your heart or manipulate another’s heart to feel this; it is like trying to heat a wood stove from the outside instead of letting the fire burn within.

Many think that the Lord is going to force them to marry someone they don’t like or would never choose, simply to teach them humility or some horrible lesson like it. This is a lie. Though the Lord is sovereign in your life, He will simply put people in your path that He recommends as a future spouse and allows your heart to choose. He is sovereign, but He does not desire to be a dictator of human affection.

One of the reasons Paul commends singleness is to relieve those who feel the pressure of getting married, and to make them understand that it’s a bigger commitment than simple attraction. The choice aspect of relationships is where many Christians either ignore their responsibility to take action upon what the Lord sets before them (for an extended talk on this, see #1 of this series), or they are presumptuous and don’t even bring the person/situation before Him. We each have three basic choices in every possible relationship that should be decided by first asking a question:

1. Is it time for me to move forward into a romantic relationship unto marriage
or am I just lonely?
2. Do I enjoy this person and want to be with them more than another?
3. Do I have the same vision/values as this person and respect the way I’ve seen
them walk that out over the time I’ve known them?

If you’re attracted to someone, based upon how your heart of hearts answers these three questions along with some help and guidance from friends and Holy Spirit, you can actually choose to move forward into relationship unto marriage (here’s a few other tips). This means you then walk it out over time, get to know each other and be open to find that you were wrong about being together, use wisdom and the Sermon on the Mount, and be intentional to have other people in your life who will tell you if the relationship is bad. Your choice in the matter is crucial, for if you don’t choose then you’re not responsible (you can blame-shift your relational issues to the Lord instead of claiming the problems/pain and walking through them in righteousness). The beauty of love is in risk-taking, and risk is only real when you don’t know what the outcome will be. Messy is good for the sake of love, as long as it’s done with the Lord.

I hope this clarifies what I was getting at in my last post in the R&R series: it’s God’s hand that directs our lives and guards/opens our hearts, and it’s our hearts that respond and choose the way forward.


Tuesday, October 07, 2008


This is a film that must be SEEN and its STORY must be TOLD. My friend worked on this project to expose one of the GREATEST INJUSTICES of our day "HUMAN SEX TRAFFICKING" which now millions around the world are enslaved and exploited in this demonic system. WE CAN END THIS EVIL...but we must RESPOND and uncover this great wrong in our day. I encourage everyone of you reading this post, to support this film by watching it, telling as many others as possible to watch it opening weekend Oct 10th and to request to get this film in a theater in your town. This is more than a movie, this is a CAUSE WORTH FIGHTING FOR. This movie is not for entertainment, it was made to challenge us to TAKE ACTION and make a difference in this world for those who are bound by injustice and Satan's hold. Let FREEDOM ring! Pray. Support. Take Action. JMA

The Film

CALL+RESPONSE is a first of its kind feature documentary film that reveals the world’s 27 million dirtiest secrets: there are more slaves today than ever before in human history. CALL+RESPONSE goes deep undercover where slavery is thriving from the child brothels of Cambodia to the slave brick kilns of rural India to reveal that in 2007, Slave Traders made more money than Google, Nike and Starbucks combined.

Luminaries on the issue such as Cornel West, Madeleine Albright, Daryl Hannah, Julia Ormond, Ashley Judd, Nicholas Kristof, and many other prominent political and cultural figures offer first hand account of this 21st century trade. Performances from Grammy-winning and critically acclaimed artists including Moby, Natasha Bedingfield, Cold War Kids, Matisyahu, Imogen Heap, Talib Kweli, Five For Fighting, Switchfoot, members of Nickel Creek and Tom Petty’s Heartbreakers, Rocco Deluca move this chilling information into inspiration for stopping it.

Music is part of the movement against human slavery. Dr. Cornel West connects the music of the American slave fields to the popular music we listen to today, and offers this connection as a rallying cry for the modern abolitionist movement currently brewing.

The New Model

There is a sea of change happening in human rights activism. The world’s issues cannot be solved alone by governments and non-profits, but require community-based participation. As a feature film, CALL+RESPONSE has the unique position of being not only a ground-breaking genre-bending film, but due to the fact that this project was funded completely through donations, it operates as a powerful movement with 100% of profits going to fund global field projects on the front lines of this issue.

CALL+RESPONSE is creating interactive field projects for each aspect of human slavery: sex slavery, labor slavery, child soldiers and child slavery. All profits from the use of the film, dvd, soundtrack, itunes downloads will be directed, by the viewers, to these projects with clear start and finish points (ie a landrover for a child soldier rehab camp, sewing machines for a after-care training facility). Our goal is to fund and celebrate completed projects together in community. We are closing the loop by allowing viewers to become participants in the solution.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Building My Life...Making God Music

This next year I am going to be focusing on two things: 1) Building my life in Christ 2) Working on my music/media calling...It's a good feeling to be able to take a break from the itinerant traveling/preaching schedule to focus on my inner life with God and to pursue certain passions of my heart I haven't been able to do in the last years...

Yesterday, I got to spend the day with long time spiritual & business mentor MC Hammer. We were at the historic Bernie Grundman Mastering Studio in Hollywood mastering his new record. It was an amazing experience as I looked on the wall of records that were recorded in that studio that have made history: Michael Jackson, Linkin Park, Alanis Morisette, EMINEM/50 CENT and many others, etc...

I'm excited about my next music project because of the team I am working with most of all. My fellow SOLDIERS OF LIGHT - Kevnish and Proh from Far East Movement and my new covenant brotha Carl Choi are putting together the brains, prayers and strategy behind the launch of my solo music project.

The new style is going to be literally something you have never heard of. It's beyond rap, beyond hip-hop, its something inspired out of the heavens and I am sobered and excited because I believe with all my heart that this was what I was born to God and make GOD MUSIC. It's a good feeling. payce.

check out dis blog post from Kevnish of FM on the project SOLDIER OF LIGHT