Wednesday, May 26, 2004

The Vision

The vision is Jesus – obsessively, dangerously, undeniably Jesus.
The vision is an army of young people. You see bones? I see an army.
And they are FREE from materialism. They laugh at 9-5 little prisons.
They could eat caviar on Monday and crust on Tuesday. They wouldn’t even notice.
They are mobile like the wind; they belong to the nations. They need no passport.
People write their addresses in pencil and wonder at their strange existence.
They are free yet they are slaves of the hurting and the dirty and the dying.

What is the Vision? The vision is holiness that hurts the eyes.
It makes children laugh and adults angry.
It gave up the game of minimum integrity long ago to reach for the stars.
It scorns the good and strains for the best. It is dangerously pure.
Light flickers from every secret motive, every private conversation.
It loves people away from their suicide leaps, their Satan games.

This is an army that will lay its life for the cause.
A million times a day its soldiers choose to lose that they
might one day win the great “Well Done, faithful sons and daughters.”
Such heroes are as radical on Monday mornings as Sunday night.
They don’t need frames from names. Instead they grin quietly upwards
and hear the crowds chanting again and again, “Come on!”

And the army is disciplines. Young people who beat their bodies into submission.
Every soldier would take a bullet for his comrade at arms.
The tattoo on their back boasts, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
Sacrifice fuels the fire of victory in their upward eyes.
Winners. Martyrs. Who can stop them? Can hormones hold them back?
Can failure succeed? Can fear scare them or death kill them?
And the generation PRAYS like a dying man with groans beyond talking,
with warrior cries, sulfurous tears and with great barrow loads of laughter!
Whatever it takes, they will give.

Breaking the rules. Shaking the mediocrity from its cozy little hide/
Laying down their rights and their precious little wrings, laughing at labels, fasting essentials.
The advertisers cannot mould them. Hollywood cannot hold them.
Peer pressure is powerless to shake their resolve at late night parties before the cockerel cries.
They are incredibly cool, dangerously attractive inside.
On the outside? They hardly care.
They wear clothes like a costume to communicate and celebrate but never to hide.

Would they surrender their image or popularity?
They would lay down their very lives – swap seats with the man on death row – guilty as hell.
An electric chair for a throne.
With blood and sweat and many tears, with sleepless nights and fruitless days,
they pray as if it all depends on Go and live as if it all depends on them.
Their DNA chooses Jesus. He breathes out, they breathe in.

Their subconscious sings. They’ve had a blood transfusion with Jesus.
Their words make demons scream in shopping centers. Don’t you hear them coming?
Herald the weirdos! Summon the losers and the freaks.
Here comes the frightened and forgotten with the fire in their eyes.
They walk tall and trees applaud, skyscrapers bow,
mountains are dwarfed by these children of another dimension.
Their prayers summon the hounds of heaven and invoke the ancient dream of Eden.
And this vision will be.

It will come to pass; it will come easily; it will come soon.
How do I know? Because this is the longing of creation itself,
the groaning of the Spirit, the very dream of God.
My tomorrow is his today. My distant hope is his 3D.
And my feeble whispered, faithless prayer invokes a thunderous,
resounding, bone-shaking “Amen!” from countless angels,
from heroes of the faith, from Christ himself.
And he is the original dreamer, the ultimate winner. Guaranteed.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Jaeson's College Graduation!

Dear beloved Friends & Family,

WoohooooOOO!! I'm FINALLY GRADUATING from college!!!
This Saturday May 29 @ 10am I will be walking the stage
to receive my diploma. Praise God! I remember when I use
to think in high school how I would never see this day &
now by God's grace I finished! (well my bachelors at least)

So I just wanted to invite you all to come out if
you aren't busy to celebrate. Don't worry if you can't~
its no biggie. I'm just happy that I'm graduating finally!
I am graduating from William Jessup University
(formerly San Jose Christian College) with 3 bachelors in
Bible Theology, Youth Ministry and Business Management.
The ceremony itself should be pretty short and intimate
since our student body is quite small. :D (10am-12pm)

Where: William Jessup University
(San Jose Christian College)
790 South 12th St.
San Jose, CA 95112 USA
(In Tiffin Center Gymnasium)

When: May 29, 2004 @ 10am

What: Jaeson's College Graduation...finally!!!

Lastly, thank you for all your prayers & support these
last years while i've been in college, working and doing
student ministry all at the same time. I know without
all your prayers, encouragement and support I would have
NEVER made it to this day. But God is faithful..especially
through friends and family like you!!!!
God is Good! AMEN!!! Can I get A WITNESS???
Hey, if Jaeson Ma can graduate anyone can!!!!

Hope to see you all there!!!
(again if you can't--don't worry..I'm all good!)

Jaeson Ma

(one happy graduate!)

Thursday, May 13, 2004

“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? Isaiah 66:8

On May 2, 2004 I witnessed the entire nation of Africa spiritually birthed in one day. Imagine over 1,800 stadiums and venues gathering an estimated 25-30 million Africans in all 53 African countries and the 5 African islands all at the same time for a day of united prayer! It was a modern day phenomenon- a signpost that we are entering into a new day of God’s kingdom rule upon the earth. Thank you for your prayers. It was my privilege to be a part of the largest corporate prayer meeting in world history—Transformation Africa!

On this last mission to Africa God sent me with a very specific task to not only speak to the youth of Africa, but also to connect Africa with the prayers of China and the prayers of youth in America. The following report will be divided into two parts. The first with Africa’s connection to China and the second to Africa’s connection to Pastor Lou Engle and I mobilizing prayer on campuses in all 50 states of America. Let me explain…

Part 1

A day before I left to South Africa (April 27) one of my team members for the Africa trip Pierre called me and asked, “Jason I believe God has a word for you to give me on why we are connected in ministry.” (Pierre is a young African American evangelist in Texas I met a few months ago who accompanied me to my last trip in Hong Kong China). I told Pierre, “I don’t have a specific word, but if anything I believe God has us working together to paint a prophetic picture that He is going to use Africans and Asians mightily in these last days of harvest, …as we both know Christianity is growing the fastest in these two continents!”

The very next day I receive a book a friend of mine in Singapore had authored called “The spread of Methodism in Asia” and on the back cover it read, “Surely, this is the century of African and Asian Christianity!” I was astounded to read this because of my conversation with Pierre the night before. In my spirit I knew it was the Holy Spirit confirming to me that on my trip to Africa there would be some kind of divine connection between what God is doing in Africa to happen also in China.

On my airplane flight to South Africa I wrote in my journal a prayer request among many asking God, “Would you please show me why Pierre and I are connected in ministry during this trip?” God answered this prayer the second day I was in Africa.

The night before the Transformation Africa gathering I woke up at 4am hearing singing in the basement of the home I was staying in. Curious, I woke up to find out who was singing in the middle of the night. I went down to the basement (which is a boiler room or 24 hour prayer house) and found Pierre singing and praying in the spirit. He couldn’t sleep so he decided to spend time with God. I decided to join him and went to the other side of the room to pray. I sat in silence waiting upon God for about a half hour. When I opened my eyes I looked up at the wall in front of me and in big poster letters pasted to the wall it said “Pray for Africa.” The interesting thing about this prayer wall was that it had only two posters on it, one of Africa and the other China! I called for Pierre to come to my side of the room to see the wall with the maps of Africa and China next to one another and we began to lay hands on the maps with tears in our eyes praying for the lost souls of both continents. God was again confirming that He was connecting these two continents together for a strategic purpose.

Many of you read in my last letter about the miracle story of finding my lost uncle through his wife Linda Ma who invited me to speak in Hong Kong. Some of you may have read how Linda is a revival strategist in Hong Kong/China networking churches together as one to pray for revival and transformation. Since, Linda’s heart is also city and nation transformation I invited her and her daughter to accompany me in Africa to witness & learn from a prototype nation being transformed through united prayer. Linda ended up coming with her daughter Christine and not only witnessed history in the making-- they became a part of it.

The day before the big event the Transformation Africa team heard there were Hong Kong delegates in Africa. They quickly found my aunt Linda and asked her if she would represent China during the opening ceremonies by saying a prayer for the revival fire of Africa to touch and transform China also! This was no small task because Transformation Africa was being broadcasted not only to the 30 plus million African participants, but also on TBN to hundreds of millions of viewers around the world. Although reluctant, Linda agreed and on the day of the event she was on stage with delegates from different continents all over the world. What happened next was very interesting and unique.

As each continent was represented South America, Europe, etc…the crowd cheered. Yet, once Linda went up and said, “Hello, I am from Hong Kong China!” The crowd erupted in a cheer many times louder than any of the other continents to the point she couldn’t finish or start her prayer. It amazed me and all the other delegates how the African people had such a love and compassion for the people of China. I took special note of this incident for surely it was not coincidence.

Why is all this Africa and China talk significant? Where is the connection between what God is doing in uniting millions of Christians in Africa have anything to do with unity and prayer in China? Let me explain.

The Transformation Africa movement started with a pastor who visited the states and saw the Transformations Video by George Otis Jr. He then took this video and its documentaries of entire cities being transformed by the power of God and distributed them to pastors all over Africa. Spiritual hunger began to stir among pastors who then began desiring to work together for the transformation of Africa. Well, it just so happens before I left to Africa a missionary friend of mine who has been working with the Chinese underground house churches told me many of the underground networks are circulating the Transformation Video documentaries of George Otis Jr. and the vision for transformation in China is also brewing.

Now, the only reason why the Transformation Africa movement has gotten to where it is today is because one obedient new believing businessman chose to listen to God and obey him at his Word. His name is Graham Powers the CEO of Power Group of Companies a home development firm in South Africa. Four years ago God woke this newly born again believer up at 4am in the morning and spoke a clear mandate to his spirit man.

“Call Africa to a day of prayer and repentance and this will happen in four stages. The first stage is to rent the Newland’s Rugby Stadium and hold a day of prayer in Cape Town (2001). The second stage is to unite the major cities in the country of South Africa for prayer (2002). The third stage is to unite all the countries of Southern Africa together for a day of prayer (2003). The fourth stage is to unite all the 58 countries of Africa for a day of prayer and repentance (2004).”

The vision was clear and the mandate was immediate. Graham obeyed, and year-by-year each stage has been met by the grace of God. Since these massive prayer gatherings have begun their have been reports all over Africa of crime and violence decreasing, job employment rising, even a decrease in the AIDS epidemic and most of all multitudes of Africans coming to the Lord.

When I was re-told Graham’s testimony in Africa I couldn’t help but think how strikingly similar his story is to Linda Ma’s. A little more than a year ago God also woke up Linda a fairly new believer in the Lord at 4am in Singapore during a visit. God spoke to her and gave her a clear word to hold a “CRUSADE” in Hong Kong. Linda being a new believer did not know what the word “CRUSADE” meant wondering if it meant the inquisitions of the dark ages, yet the Holy Spirit again prompted her, “Go to the church service this morning at Faith Community Baptist and the preacher will tell you what crusade means!” She went to church excited, but halfway through the sermon the preacher had still not said anything about crusades. All of a sudden near the end of his message he says, “Now let me tell you why we need CRUSADES in our modern cities to bring about unity and revival.” Linda could not believe it and she knew immediately God had called her to rent the Hong Kong indoor stadium to unite the churches in Hong Kong for a day of renewal and prayer.

The first day Linda returned to HK she immediately went to the Hong Kong indoor stadium to inquire about the cost and dates of renting out the stadium for a day of revival. They told her there were no dates open in the immediate future and she would have to wait a minimum of 2 years for a date she wanted. Linda was almost discouraged when suddenly the stadium employee tells her that there is still one last day open in October 2003, but she would have to put down a huge financial deposit that day or forfeit the date. After a quick prayer, Linda took a chance and put down a deposit with her own income.

So on total faith she booked the date, with no real event, no main speaker and 10,000 seats to fill. In the following weeks it became very difficult to unite the churches because Linda had not much influence with churches for she was a businesswomen like Graham Powers a businessman and not a pulpit pastor. Many people told her it would be impossible to unite the divided churches of Hong Kong. Well, God has His way because on Oct 4, 2003 the Holy Spirit united somewhere between 8,000 and 10,000 believers for a day of prayer and renewal in the Hong Kong indoor stadium.

Now after comparing these two testimonies I began to see the connection between Africa and China, Graham and Linda. The night before I left Africa I was invited to Mr. Graham Powers home with other international delegates for South African BBQ…amen! Right before I left the dinner Graham Powers comes up to me and says, “Did you see how the crowd cheered when the Hong Kong delegate represented China on the stage?” Graham was astounded because he had just watched the TBN TV taping of the event. I then began to tell Graham the story of how God is using Linda in HK/China and her similar testimony. Immediately, Graham offered his help in any way to help consult Linda’s team to bring what God is doing with Transformation Africa for very possibly a united prayer movement to be-- Transformation China. There is now a meeting set up for the Africa and China teams to discuss the strategy for Transformation China.

Other confirmations…

I don’t believe it is by coincidence that before Linda came to Africa God had already put on her heart to work with other churches to rent the outdoor stadium of Hong Kong as the next day of unity, prayer and revival. It also cannot be by chance to achieve the even greater dream of holding a day of unity and prayer in Beijing China during the 2008 Olympics. Could it also be mere coincidence that God put on her heart to invite the same keynote speaker “Ed Silvoso” who spoke at Transformation Africa to be the keynote speaker for the next transformation gathering in Hong Kong before she knew Ed was speaking in Africa? Whatever the case I know Africa and China were connected for a reason on this last mission. Please pray that what God has done in Africa He will also do in Hong Kong China and beyond. For such a time as this!

Worldwide Vision…

Not only has the church of Africa been united in corporate prayer gatherings for the last 4 years, the churches of Africa are also committed as a continent to mobilize 24 hour prayer networks, social activism, and saturation church planting in every community, town, city, region and country. This is being accomplished because the churches in Africa are working together rather than independently. They are laying aside denominational, doctrinal, racial and economic differences for the sake of revival. The churches in Africa are working together as One Church to see the whole of Africa evangelized and transformed—and it is working! It is their love for one another and their togetherness in lifting up Jesus that is drawing all men unto God. What can we learn from their kingdom mindset?

We must first think kingdom! Graham Powers had received a second vision a year ago where God woke him up in the middle of the night again and this time he saw a vivid vision. He saw Jesus being laid over Africa in the form of the cross when all of a sudden the arms of Christ stretched out and took hold of the 6 other continents of the world and drew them into his bosom. God showed Graham that He would take the dark continent of Africa and use it be a light unto the world. With this vision Graham connected with other major prayer leaders from around the world to plan stage 5 of Transformation.

On May 15, 2005 the global international prayer council is mobilizing 500 million Christians for a worldwide day of prayer and revival. As the sun rises in New Zealand in the east and as it sets in the west millions upon millions of Christians will be taking hourly shifts to pray sun up to sun down 24 hours straight in their respective continents for worldwide revival. Now that is what I call a house of prayer for all nations!

As I transition to the next part of my missions report I must say this last trip to Africa was more an observational, impartation and learning experience for me. Although I did speak a radical Gospel message to the youth of Africa, God had an even higher plan. For His ways are above our ways and His thoughts above our thoughts.

Part 2

Before I went to African I had been in talks with my Pastor Lou Engle on how we could mobilize students in all 50 states on all college campuses to vote and pray. Many people have been wondering now that “The Call” gatherings are over in the States, what now? In my spirit for months I and many other youth leaders have been sensing a Jesus revolution is on the brink, but the vision of how and what was not clear. After I went to Africa and witnessed their revival strategies I began to pray to God on how we could implement the same to bring revolution to the campuses in all 50 states of America.

Already, a prayer mobilization network called “Jericho Walls” in South Africa has been mobilizing all 58 African countries to start 24-hour prayer watches with practical guides and instructions for churches to use and implement. The Transformation Africa network is also mobilizing churches together to battle social issues such as poverty, aids, violence and the like through social activism efforts. Also the transformation Africa team is networking with denominations to make sure there are new churches planted in every community where there are no churches through what they call “saturation church planting.”

One of my prayer requests on the way to Africa was that God would connect me with the “Jericho Walls Prayer Network” in South Africa. I couldn’t believe it, the second day I was in Africa someone introduced me to the director of Jericho Walls and we had a sit down talk. The first thing he asked me was, “Why is it so hard to get a hold of Lou Engle?” I laughed and told him, “Well you know he is a prophet!” When I told him Pastor Lou was mobilizing prayer on the campuses in the states his first words were, “Please think beyond the United States, I am challenging you to mobilize all the campuses in all 50 states to not only prayer for the US but to join the 500 million other Christians for the worldwide day of prayer and revival on May 15, 2005. Can you mobilize the student prayer warriors in the states to fast 40 days for this historical event?” God then enlarged my vision. It was clear God’s passion is to see His Church as a house of prayer for all nations and that it is our mandate in this generation to start 24 -hour prayer furnaces all over the earth as our weapon to destroy the darkness in our cities and nations.

The director of Jericho Walls then told me we could use all their prayer mobilization materials and guides in the US for free. This was key because of what would transpire when I got home.

I arrived back in the US and one of my first calls was to Pastor Lou. I tell him about the Jericho Walls connection and how I sense so strongly God is calling this generation to mobilize and establish 24-hour prayer watches in every city and for us—every campus. The vision now became larger than mobilizing the states to 24-hour prayer, but God is linking us with the entire world to establish 24-hour prayer furnaces across the globe for worldwide revival. Pastor Lou was in full agreement and we are now connecting back with Jericho Walls and other international prayer networks to mobilize every continent for the worldwide day of prayer.

The revelation did not just end with the 24-hour prayer vision though. It was also amazing to see how the vision, mission and charter of Transformation Africa were so similar to the strategies we were envisioning in the states for the campuses.

Transformation Africa had 4 main strategies in mobilizing churches for sustained revival.

1. Regular Corporate gatherings for prayer and fasting
2. Establishing 24 hour prayer networks in every city
3. Social Activism
4. Saturation Church Planting

Last week, Pastor Lou and I had a 3-hour meeting discussing what God was calling us to do in bringing revolution to the campuses of America. It so happened the strategies of Transformation Africa were the same strategies God has laid upon our hearts.

Before I went to Africa it was on Pastor Lou’s heart to unite Christians in stadiums throughout all 50 states in America to a day of prayer and fasting on 9/11 to pray for the elections and God’s justice to reign throughout our nation. We had already seen a measure of this happening with “The Call” events. (1. Regular corporate gatherings for prayer and fasting)

Pastor Lou also received a clear word from the Lord a few years ago that, “Where ever The Call goes the 24 hour House of Prayer shall be established.” It has been Pastor Lou’s mandate to mobilize students on every campus to start 24-hour prayer watches for God to open the heavens over cities and release revival. (2. Establishing 24-hour prayer networks in every city)

For the last 6 months Pastor Lou has been getting ready to launch “The Cause” a new ministry movement mobilizing young adults to student activism on campuses. It is a cause to fight against injustices and to raise up a flag of moral righteousness and truth in a sleeping pluralistic generation. It is a vision to empower spirit filled Christ followers to make a difference in the government and society through the radical love of Christ. (3. Social Activism)

Lastly, God had been brewing in my own heart for the last 12 months on starting a campus church planting movement. I recently returned to full-time vocational ministry to start Campus Church Networks a student ministry movement to see churches planted on every campus in our nation and across the world. This strategy would bring the church to the city stead of the city to the church. These churches--I wont get into detail-- will be organic and mobile in nature. Whatever the case I realized this strategy was in sync also with Transformation Africa. (4. Saturation Church Planting)

After talking about these similarities with Pastor Lou we put the pieces of the puzzle together. We came to the consensus that God had sent me to Africa to see a prototype of nation transformation and rest assured the strategies God had revealed to us were also His strategies worldwide. We are to move forward. The outcome?

This summer we are calling young leaders from all 50 states to convene in Colorado Springs at the famous Navigator Campus Headquarters to join in 50 days of prayer, fasting and worship asking God to release another student missionary movement on the campuses of America. During these 50 days (July 10-August 28) we will equip campus leaders each week on how to take back the fire of God to their cities and how to start mobilizing 24-hour prayer networks, student activism and campus church movements on their campuses. It is going to be wild, it is going to be what we are praying-- the beginning of a Jesus revolution. May this all be a starting point for the bigger picture of mobilizing prayer for the worldwide prayer movement to establish the earth as God’s House, a house of prayer for all nations!

“Yours for the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and Great Commission in this generation.”

Jaeson Ma

Read below Pastor Lou’s charge for the 50 day prayer furnace in Colorado Springs…


Can you pray with us…we are calling the youth of America to Colorado Springs this summer… a pending global youth movement is on the horizon and America must do her part. Will you pray about stopping by Colorado this summer and assisting the birth of a new Student Volunteer Missionary Movement on Campuses across the land. We will be praying & worshiping 24/7 from July 10th to August 29th

Thank You for all you are doing in the Kingdom…thank you for the fervent prayers! Now more than ever we must come together this summer as we mobilize the army of God to equip & release you this fall for an evasion not seen in modern day history.

Many have been asking now that The Call is over, what now? Well it is now time to act! I will be releasing this message over the next few months but wanted you to engage as soon as possible, after much prayer and seeking God's face we have another mandate, I am the calling for the youth of our nation to pray and fast for 50 days in Colorado Springs asking God to release justice and revival upon our nation. I clearly see the need to focus our prayers on key nationwide issues and believe the youth of America will arise to pray in these desperate times! I see this as absolutely paramount upon the oracles of History.

Phase 1-This summer we are asking for young leaders to converge in Colorado Springs on July 5 to meet 5 days early before the 50 day prayer furnace. This is a Nazarite call to young emerging leaders who have a heart to see a Jesus Revolution released in this generation. If you know of someone that should attend this phase-1 a five-day young leader gathering please have them contact me directly at --This young army will be training and serving in this 50 day 24/7 House of Prayer in various ways. They will also be receiving equipping from myself and other leaders on how to take back the fire of God to there respective States, Cities and Campuses by mobilizing 24 hour prayer, student activism and City-Wide campus church planting movements. We must raise up Missionaries! Again it is time! God is raising up Joel's army at this moment to march across this nation with the justice and mercy of God. Please consider sending teams, come for all or part and make history in the 50-day fire furnace in Colorado Springs.

What will actually be happening for 50 days, well this is phase 2 and 3

Phase 2- There will be night and day prayer and worship going up in multiple prayer tents. We will be re-digging the wells on the Navigator campus in Colorado Springs asking God to release a new student revival movement on the campuses in our nation. During the first "40" days (July 10-Aug 19) each week we will be holding briefing meetings on equipping young leaders to start 24 hour houses of prayer, how to mobilize students to activism and how to enhance campus ministry in their cities and campuses. A new thing is happening and we must do both, With the House of Prayer we are inhaling intimacy with God. With The Cause we are exhaling the power of God to bring revival on the streets, campuses and cities of America. Again consider sending worship teams, prayer teams, missions teams from your Church or region for 3 days or 30 even the full 50!

For those who still hold onto an outrageous dream of hope for our nation, to those tired of status quo cultural Christianity, to those grieving and groaning over the loss of the vital influence of the cause of Christ in the public square, to those who recognize the moral crisis at hand and the implication for our children's future if God doesn't come to our aid, to those unwilling to merely acquiesce to cynicism and fatalism and the policy of appeasement for political correctness sake, to those who can still look at giants and shout. Is there not a cause?

Phase 3- We will be gathering the masses (thousands) will gather the last 10 days in the Vertical Air-Dome for such a time as this, Colorado Springs-August 19th to the 28th for a battle over America through prayer and fasting.

Phase 4- The Release onto campuses nation & world-wide

Phase 5- a 911 call to America I will be meeting with several key leaders next week to discuss this key phase, your prayers are greatly needed.

I expect the battle has already begun, and upon this battle depends our survival. God has not left us without weapons. The arsenal of repentance, prayer, and fasting 24/7, if deployed, could turn this present darkness into America’s finest hour. Let the summer of sacrifice begin!

During this summer we will be breaking away for Key gatherings like TBN taping, Jesus culture in Redding and HIM conferences. What is happening with you?

Is there not a Cause...?

Lou Engle

Logistical INF. We are keep things bare bones and are asking for $10 a day for lodging in dorms and one meal a day. At $5 a day you can go in a tent with one meal - If money is an issue there will be areas to serve, if you are called and serious about the things of God - then Come for such a time as this, Lou

Monday, May 10, 2004

"Lord..Give me my campus or take me home!"

That was the prayer I heard today from a Christian Club leader in Mt.View. This was also a similar prayer from the great revivalist John Knox who prayed "Lord give me Scottland or I die!" God answered his prayer and turned Scottland upside down for Jesus in his century. Now, youth in the Bay Area are praying a similar prayer.

Lord give us Independence, Lynbrook, Mountain View, Leland, Mt. Pleasant, SJSU...or we die! This is not hype, this is a cry of desperation from Christian youth trusting God at His Word. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE THE NATIONS AS YOUR INHERITANCE!!! Ps 2

This May 15 midnight to May 16 young radicals will be praying, fasting and worshipping God at the Downtown Youth Center for 24 hours straight. It is not an event, but an ENCOUNTER. It is our desire that God will birth a movement of revival, reformation and revolution on the campuses of the Bay Area. So with youth leaders from all over the Bay Area we are challenging all those who have a heart for God to bring REVIVAL to the campuses to pray and fast May 15 midnight to May 16 for 24 hours straigt for what is being called "The Call Extreme"

How will it work?
We are asking that if you can't make it for the whole 24 hours than please adopt a 2 hour shift during the 24 hour prayer watch. Pray if your campus fellowsihp or youth group can adopt a 2 hour shift during the 24 hour watch and email us back to let us know.

What will we be praying for?
We have no agenda but REVIVAL. The focus is 2 Chronicles 7:14 "to humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways, seek God's face, so that He can heal our land!" As we pray and worship we will trust that the Holy Spirit will guide our time moment by moment --whether through prayer, repentance, worship, testimony, praying scipture, praying revival, silence...etc.

What should we bring?
Bring your Bibles so we can pray God's promises & hear from His word. Bring a prayer journal or notebook to write down anything God speaks to us (a picture, scripture, vision, word) Bring musical instruments because God desires us to worship Him in song and enter His courts with thanksgiving and praise Ps 100. Bring an open heart, humble spirit and expectation that God can do exceedingly abundantly more than we ask think or imagine! Eph 3

What should we expect?
Expect that God is going to show up. If we draw near to Him He will draw near to us. James 4 Pray that all who come will not leave only changed, but dead to themselves. God send revival, but start with me. It is our prayer that God would make us dead men and dead women so that Christ may be resurrected in us ---may God start another student missionary movement through this 24 hour prayer vigil that will impact and transform our campuses, our cities,our nation and the entire world for His glory!

What else?
A door has opened up May 16 at the HP Pavillion center. 20 + Churches will be worshipping together on the HP Pavillion lawn at 6pm. At the very same time 94.9 will be throwing their anual BOMB CONCERT. The City of San Jose has asked the churches if we can help serve and bless the 14,000 lost youth at this event. We are praying about after the 24 hour prayer vigil to set up tables in front of the Bomb Concert and offer free drinks and FREE PRAYER! What do u think?

Praying for Bay Area Campus Revival,
The Call Extreme

When: May 15 Midnight till May 16
Where: Downtown Youth Center (DYC)
200 N. First St. San Jose Ca 95113
What: 24 hour prayer vigil for revival on school campuses
Who: Anyone with a heart to see revival on the campuses of Bay
Area & beyond
Why: 2 Chronicles 7:14, Joel 2