Thursday, August 28, 2008

Urgent Prayers for HK & Burma

For all those reading my blog, I want to ask you for some urgent prayers in regards to a few matters of importance. First, I want to thank you all for your intercessions for our team in Taiwan during the "onething conference". The Spirit of the Lord moved in great power as over 2,000+ young adults encountered our passionate Bridegroom Jesus Christ and through this gathering we birthed a new 24-7 prayer movement in Taiwan. The trip was very fruitful and strategic as we are now working with national leaders to develop ongoing training/support for a 24-7 House of Prayer young adult community in Taiwan and also student mission training programs next summer (AFF). It was such a blessing to partner with the IHOP team and our brother and sisters in Taiwan for the Asia for Jesus movement. Thank you!

Urgent Prayers Needed:

Right now, I am in Hong Kong preparing for the "onething conference" Aug 28-30. Then our "blueprint training" for reaching mainland university students. We are in great expectation as the conference will be fully packed with another 2,000 + young adults seeking Jesus as their one desire in Hong Kong. We are believing for a ongoing 24-7 prayer movement fueled with bridal intimacy and nazarite consecration to be birthed and released in this great international city. Pray that Hong Kong youth and young adults would radically seek the Lord in extravagant devotion above all else.

Burma Mission:

At the same time that I am here a divine opportunity has been opened for the nation of Myanmar/Burma. As many of you know months ago the nation was struck with a cyclone that killed more than 150,000 civilians and left more than 3 million homeless. My dear missionary friends Daniel and Levi Lim have been given great favor by God to bring the Gospel of the kingdom into this nation. Right now, they have already met with the Prime Minister and national leaders and have been invited with open hands to bring the Gospel into this nation through the rebuliding of 1,000 homes and to bring in needed natural resources of "diesel and fertilizer". This is unbelievable as this nation is a closed nation and under strict dictatorial rule.

Last week someone prophesied over me unbeknownst to this situation that I would be doing a strategic work in Burma and Israel. I didn't know about what Daniel and Levi were doing in detail till meeting them on this trip in discussion. Today, I was able to contact a good friend that deals with international trade of natural resources to see if we can get the needed diesel and fertilizer to help rebuild, restore and revive this destructed nation. Daniel and Levi are returning to Burma on Monday to meet the Prime minister and we are praying that they do not go back empty handed, but with an actual gift from the Lord to bless this nation and keep the door of the Gospel open.

PLEASE PRAY - that through our efforts here in Asia and the US we can help raise the necessary financial captial (over $7 million USD) to purchase the needed natural resources (diesel/fertilizer) as soon as possible. The International House of Prayer in KC has already raised nealry $700,000 USD to help this effort to transform the nation of Burma. Please pray daily that Holy Spirit will break through before Monday to get Daniel and Levi the needed finances/resources to help rebuild Burma for the long term and see Jesus lifted high over this nation.

For more information goto:

Under the mercy,



At 8/31/2008 06:26:00 PM , Blogger Wendy (Anna) Fang said...

Praise God! woohoo!


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