Tuesday, December 02, 2003

so i'm still in here in texas for some reason. haha...guess
i love my hometown too much! so much has happened
in the last few days I don't know where to begin. I think I
will have to write a whole other blog on what happened
at The Call Texas. All I can say is that it was the most
powerful Call I have ever been to. The repetance segment
for abortion alone and injustice done to the First Nations
Native Americans lasted 7 HOURS!!!!! Heaven truly touched
earth that day and history was changed forever. Can you
believe the chief apostle of the Native Americans rallied
all 500 major native american tribes in the USA to release
and forgive the early Americans for the manslaughter and
injustice they did to them? The actual US Senator of Kansas
came and asked forgiveness before the chief first nation
apostle Jay Swallow. It was beyond powerful.

I will write more later. The Sunday after the Call I was
so blessed. God healed my buddy Erica of scoliosis!!!
soooo crazy....so so crazy. I was invited by my friend
Missy whom I met in Argentina to goto her home church
Gateway. We went sunday morning with no plans
for the day. While I was talking with Missy after the service
I was at the front where they had prayer ministers. She
points to one of the ministers and tells me, "Jaeson
those two prayer ministers are my back doctors!" I was
excited to hear that because I've been having lower back
pains for some reason lately and I asked her if she thought
it would be cool if I asked them to pray for my back to be
healed. She said go for it, so I went up to get prayer and
after they prayed they asked me if I wanted to goto their
house and get some chiropractic work for free! I ask Erica
if it would be cool if we went to their house after church
and Erica is like...no way....my back is screwed up to..do
u think they can work on my back too? Crazy thing is,
Erica tells me, "Jaeson one of the main reasons I came
to the Call Texas was because I've been praying hard
God would heal my back at The Call." Whuuuut????

Well, we went to their house to get prayed and worked
on. They have this BEAUTIFUL TEXAS BRICK HOUSE and
a clinic office inside. Erica, Sean, Tamika, Laura and I
went together. As we gather with the couple in their
clinic office we begin to hold hands and pray. All of a sudden
the Spirit of God comes in power and God gives me a
prophetic word for the couple (in detail) it was nutz!!!
They started crying because God was revealing the
secrets of the desires and visions through the prophecy
confirming with specific words their calling to medical missions
all over the world. Then they started cracking my back...
haha..that was fun. Then they started cracking Erica's back...

Crazy. The doctor showed us how Erica's left leg was much
shorter than her other leg and needed to put padding on
the bottom of her shoe to correct her imbalance. Well, something
in me felt like God wanted to heal Erica because she has been
plagued with this scoliosis problem since 10 years old. So I said,
lets just pray to God that her leg will grow out in faith. We proped
Erica up on the clinic bed, had her sit straight up with her legs
straight out and I repented on behalf of her ancestors who may have
passed down the sickness and then simply commanded the leg
to come out and grow to perfect length in the name of Jesus.
Dude, right before our eyes her leg started growing out. She was like..
whoa....my knee just like popped or twitched or something and i felt
the bone in my leg like hurt or stretch or something...! I was like ..
really? So i told the doctor to check the length of her legs to see
if they were the same..he looks up at me and says...look!!!!
"They are even...look at this....they weren't like this a minute
ago...God just grew out her leg!" We told her to stand up and she
said her back didn't even hurt anymore!!! What tha?? PRAISE GOD!!!
healer and I am thankful that Jesus healed my friend Erica..she
deserves it!!! She is one of the most awesome friends in the world!!!
not to mention her mom gave an offering for all four of us Waiting Placers
to goto Texas!!!! soooooooooooo happy for u Erica B!!!!!

Anyways, yeah...this is just one testimony from Texas..i'm still here even
though I was suppose to go home Tuesday. Darn..i had to skip a business
law class because my CEO wanted me to stay in TX for a major business
LEGAL IMPLICATION TO BUSINESS paper to make up for my absence! God
will help me do it! I know God wants me here for this business meeting
for my company..i can talk about that later...

ahhh..i better get to sleep....haha...today Pastor Che asked me at lunch..
So Jaeson any girls on the horizon in your life? I was like...um....no. I
don't think there will be for a long long time. I wouldn't make a good
boy friend anyways...i'm soooo busy as it is. Well, that and plus the
fact I don't seem to understand the opposite sex too well. I tried once...
and I failed miserably .... girls i don't understand them and I don't think
I'm going to try right now either. haha...sometimes it boggles my mind
how girls can change moods, emotions, and affections so fast. it tires
me out =P I think its best to be *just friends* with girls, cuz its cool to have
a friend of the opposite nature to relate to your daily experiences w/out
necessarily being on the romantic tip.

But I guess one day one of those *just friends* could possibly become
something more without you even realizing it, but that is for God to
bring into realization. As for myself, I'm quite content with life the way
it is right now and seriously its a pretty good feeling to be FREE from
wanting a quote n' quote "relationship" cuz i can focus on loving God
and loving life and really just "loving friends." haha..i am such a dork
face....i probably wont have a girlfriend till i'm 30 or something....hopefully
somebody will like me :oP until i experience God's grace in that..i like
the idea of having *girls-that-are-friends* and I pray I'll meet gals
that like the idea of having *boys-that-are-just-friends* too- & realize
its really not impossible for a guy to just want to be friends and dats it...
really! so no more dra-ma for jaeson ma-ma ...Lord teach me to love
as you loved..teach me to love You and give Your love to the many
friends i *care* for, in all honesty...amen.


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