Saturday, March 20, 2004

Well...i took the meyers brigs personlity test 2 years ago..and scored ENFJ..i guess
that's what i still i am..i took it again tonight..ineresting...

Extroverted (E) 57.45% Introverted (I) 42.55%
Imaginative (N) 59.46% Realistic (S) 40.54%
Emotional (F) 63.16% Intellectual (T) 36.84%
Organized (J) 54.55% Easygoing (P) 45.45%
Your type is: ENFJ
You are a Persuader, possible professions include - entertainer, recruiter, artist, newscaster, writer/journalist, recreation director, librarian, facilitator, politician, psychologist, housing director, career counselor, sales trainer, travel agent, program designer, corporate/team trainer, child welfare worker, social worker (elderly services), interpreter/translator, occupational therapist, executive
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