Supernatural Word of Knowledge Released Again!
Update: Lakeland Revival Intensifies
Twice daily meetings in Lakeland, Fla., move into fourth straight week of revival. Starting Apr. 24, the meetings are being moved to Auburndale Life Church about 10 miles from Lakeland.
[04.22.08] Thousands of people longing for a physical or spiritual touch from God are flocking to central Florida for ongoing revival meetings that some have dubbed the “Lakeland Healing Outpouring.”
The services, which are being broadcast live daily on GOD TV to millions of potential viewers, reveal the excitement radiating from this area of the Sunshine State, prompting some people to jump on planes and fly in from across the country and even from abroad.
Todd Bentley, the 32-year-old Canadian healing evangelist with a boyish grin responsible for the meetings, reported on Friday that people’s faith alone has healed them even while they were booking their flights online or boarding planes bound for Lakeland, a city of about 90,000 between Orlando and Tampa along Interstate 4.
The 700-seat sanctuary of host pastor Stephen Strader’s Ignited Church can no longer contain the crowds. More than 1,000 worshipers stood inches apart at Friday night’s service, jamming every aisle and altar area. Their bodies rocked back and forth, and their faces wore peace-filled, lovesick and euphoric expressions.
The cars parked outside were also inches apart, with every grassy parcel of land on bordering properties used for overflow. During worship, song lyrics on PowerPoint were replaced with a warning to drivers parked at a nearby store that their cars would be “towed immediately.”
“We are all shocked that each night a minimum of 60 percent [are] first time [visitors],” Strader said yesterday.
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My friends just got back from Lakeland Florida and were describing the incredible level of anointing and the amazing creative miracles that were taking place through supernatural words of knowledge. People were being healed of cancers, diseseases, chronic disorders and the list goes on through specific words of knowledge being called out over specific people. Praise Him! I believe the Holy Spirit is restoring the fullness of the Word of Knowledge gift to the Body of Christ to woo and encounter an unbelieving generation to the power of God. The healing angels in the days of the latter rain are being released again at this hour but this is just the beginning. We will begin to see God raise up prophets as evangelists again who will share God's revelation and words with the lost turning them to the risen Savior by the masses, in massive gatherings and on the streets. I would encourage all of you to watch the nightly meetings at 7pm eastern timeto receive an impartation of this healing revival at...
We've been watching them in my room with my family and friends and the Holy Spirit has been pouring out through the computer screen. Acts 2 once again Lord. All it takes is a simple hunger for His presence and God will answer. Do it again!
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