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You can find the "Heart Back EP" on Myspace and on iTunes!
posted by Jaeson Ma @
11/18/2008 11:20:00 PM
我要稱謝你 我受造太奇妙 我確信你恩典 你作為高於一切
(Rap)MC Jin:
我知我有做錯 但係你仍然愛我 成日都原諒我 我唯有講聲多謝
aha aha 講聲多謝 come on come on 講聲多謝 everybody 講聲多謝 我唯有講聲多謝
趁有時間講個故仔你聽 佢地話我細個真係好精
又識氹人又少扭計 但係越大個就開始越曳
盡晒力都唔識點教 結果成日比老豆老母鬧
佢地話生舊叉燒好過生你 我諗佢地冇好準備
諗返就覺得有D出奇 佢地好後生就生我出泥
我好感激你地有呢個決定 如果呢個世界冇歐陽靖
MC Jin就唔會存在 我等哩一刻等左好耐
同你地兩個講聲多謝晒 俾機會我入哩個世界
我知我有做錯 但係你仍然愛我 成日都原諒我 我唯有講聲多謝
aha aha 講聲多謝 come on come on 講聲多謝 everybody 講聲多謝 我唯有講聲多謝
life is a gift. life is not to be wasted, it's to be cherish, enjoy every moment,
live everyday as if it for your last, live each day with faith from your heart to god,
because you will feel fully and wonderfuly made.
you are not accident, you are treat.
(Rap)MC Jin:
人既生命有無限既價值 但係有時做人真係大壓力
當佢發現佢係有左 點樣做先至為之岩定係錯
我唯有勸佢好好咁考慮 但係點樣做始終都係靠佢
雖然個BB係仲未出世 冇人知佢將來係點樣出位
或者做明星 或者做醫生 或者我咁諗根本太天真
唔同既人有唔同既情形 但係好多野都係命中注定
點樣先可以有滿足感 凡事都用好果一方面去諗
神 我想講聲多謝晒 你俾機會我入哩個世界
我知我有做錯 但係你仍然愛我 成日都原諒我 我唯有講聲多謝
aha aha 講聲多謝 come on come on 講聲多謝 everybody 講聲多謝 我唯有講聲多謝
我要稱謝你 我受造太奇妙 我確信你恩典 你作為高於一切
我知我有做錯 但係你仍然愛我 成日都原諒我 我唯有講聲多謝
aha aha 講聲多謝 come on come on 講聲多謝 everybody 講聲多謝 我唯有講聲多謝
我要稱謝你 我受造太奇妙 我確信你恩典 你作為高於一切
we are need to be thankful for life, when the life has been good, when the life has been hard,
no that God who loves you, always forgive you, and has a plan for you.
you're his precious child, God needed you and form you in your mother's womb,
life is not perfect but every life is worth living.
"You are not accident, you are DESTINY!"
I truly agree! Nice song! Dor Jea!
I've been unchurch for about 1 yr plus.. from a core level dropped to unchurch. I am trying hard to go back to Abba's again. And I love God as always!
God bless u, Pastor Jaeson!
Do you have the lyrics somewhere?
Hey Jaeson! Good stuff, ima share it with my friends here in Xiamen! At the beginning of my trip to China i was in HK for 10 days in the YMCA in Kowloon and i went out to the park one day to encounter these 3 girls who were praying for their land. it was so beautiful. Are you going to make it to the CPx thing in los vegas? I prob won't make it but will send an update. God bless Jaeson!!!!
-BeLinda (AFF-er) haha
Wow what a nice surprise. I didn't know MC Jin was the same Jin that rapped in one of Wang Lee Hom's songs last time .. :) nice!!
I didn't know you were in the Cantonese Pop scene now, Jaeson Ma. :) Superstar status for Jesus. :)
Love the message behind this song. Dor Jea for making it happen! :)
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