Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit

"Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit" (Mike Bickle, links below to teaching)

Dear Friends,

This teaching by Mike Bickle has been through the years one of the most helpful and practical understandings of how to fellowship (talk) with the Holy Spirit. It is not about an "encounter" it is about a "daily discipline" of engaging with the Holy Spirit in conversation and pressing into His presence. If we are faithful with little, He will make us faithful with more.

Do not be discouraged as you earnestly seek to linger in the presence of the Holy Spirit. An Olympic runner does not become one over night, he or she, daily disciplines himself through exercise, practice and diligence in order to be in a state of champion like health and strength. In the same way, we must discipline our bodies, soul and spirit each day to press into knowing the Holy Spirit. Some days, we will encounter much, other days we may sense little, but be encouraged, the more we press into the Spirit of God, the more we will become aware of His presence in our lives. I sense His presence more with me today (after 9 years of fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit) than I did the first year, sensitizing our spirit to His Spirit, is a lifestyle and habit that is developed over time, not over night.

If we think we will just walk in the Holy Spirit and become aware of His loving presence in our lives by having a "conference encounter" or someone laying hands on us, we are greatly fooled. That can help the process, but that does not make us one who fellowship(s) with the Holy Spirit. It is a daily "relationship" of being and talking with the Holy Spirit continually. You don't take 15 vitamins one day and all of a sudden get healthy. No, you must daily make it a discipline of taking vitamins, and then over time, the vitamins begin to take root into your body's immune system and it begins to change the dynamic of your health. Walking with the Holy Spirit is a developed habit, not a sudden magical experience. Any relationship you value, takes time and effort, in the same way, I encourage all of you reading this to daily stop every half hour, and just talk to the Holy Spirit out loud for a few minutes and acknowledge His presence in your life. We will only walk in the Spirit, as much as we talk to the Spirit. If we sow to the spirit, we will reap of the spirit and not fall into the carnalities of our flesh. What we sow to, is what we will become. Sow daily into your relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion (fellowship) of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 2 Corinth 13:14

Take it one step further, after meditating upon the Word of God, saying your prayers, daily spend at least a half hour to one hour, soaking in the presence of the Holy Spirit, asking Him to come. Then, practice by being still in order to know (intimately experience) Him (Ps 46:10). Linger in His presence, talk to Him, listen to Him, simply "be with the Holy Spirit." Remember, we are not waiting for God, He is waiting for us to come present to His presence. If we draw near to the Holy Spirit, He will draw near to us to fellowship and commune.

You can order, "Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit" teaching series (one of the best ever) at

The CD series I think is now called "Walking in the Spirit" you can buy at the IHOP book store.

You can also listen to the all the teachings here...




At 3/21/2007 04:07:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Jaeson,

Thank you for your recommendation.

At 3/22/2007 08:22:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor Jaes,

11.11...John Paul Jackson writes how eleven is the number for a prophet and transition. May you be a prophet to your generation. May you carry an anointing like Martin Luther to reform the church, transition the Body and bring a revival and revolution. Cannot wait to read your book. No matter what, thank you so much for being a sign and wonder of the grace of God which is available to us all. You are so loved and prayed for. May you know Him & the power of His resurrection. You are greatly beloved of the Lord.


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