Pray for "The Blueprint"
Just wanted to ask that you lift up a prayer for my new book that is coming out. It's called
"The Blueprint" A Revolutionary Plan to Plant Missional Communities on Campus.
My simple prayer for this book, is that God would use it to radically transform hearts of students on every campus with His love, that each would encounter the Person and the work of the Holy Spirit in their own personal lives and see the power of God released on their campuses, cities and nations. I'm praying that God would use this book to inspire others onto revival and reformation in this generation. I'm praying it would get into the right hands, even if it be just one on every campus who is seeking and searching the will of God and contending for heaven on earth. To see all over, disciples loving God and truly loving others. That is, to see revival break out and to see lost souls deeply loved and soundly saved.
Story Behind the Book
It's crazy how God told me to write this book. It had always been on my heart for years to write a book on my passion for prayer, power evangelism and planting simple churches on campuses. Last June 2006, I was preaching at UCSD, while at the cafeteria eating lunch, I received an email from a senior editor at Regal Books, saying he read my online blog and wanted to know if I was interested in writing a book on "power evangelism on campus." It caught me by surprise. Literally, a few minutes later I check my voice mail and I receive an message from a student at Passion Church UCLA, he says, "Jaeson, I don't know if this is God or just me hearing things, but I was taking a shower this morning and for the first time I'm almost positive I heard God's voice, but again, you test this word, I heard God say 'Tell Jaeson he is to write a book on his experiences and encounters with Me to inspire others in this generation to do the same!" I couldn't believe my ears when I listened to the voice mail message, I nearly fell out of my chair in the cafeteria. I quickly called him back, told him how Regal books had just offered me a opportunity out of the blue, to write a book on my heart passion. He was blown away, haha, and said, "Woohoo I wasn't hearing things, I REALLY heard God's voice!" Yes you did bro!
There are so many miracle stories behind writing this book. I wish I had space to tell them all. But, it would take another book just to write all those little miracles down. One miracle is that Regal asked me to start writing in the summer of 2006 and gave me a deadline to get it done by Nov 2006. For me, that was nearly impossible because I was traveling and speaking in Asia the whole summer, but supernaturally God did it by His grace.
When I got back to Pasadena Ca the beginning of September, I sat down and started writing the book in my room. Supernaturally, the Holy Spirit had me write the entire book from beginning to end in 2 1/2 weeks! I couldn't believe it, I was able to make the dead line so that the book could be released to thousands of students on the day of destiny 7-7-07 at "The Call Nashville." Simultaneously, the Chinese translation will be released in July-August in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia at our student revival gatherings there. I realize this is God's book, God's work and I am just praying that God uses this book to inspire others to believe God for the impossible in our generation, to truly see revival in our own hearts become a reality, to see true revival, reformation and revolution break out in our lifetime. To see a generation rise up to it's call and fulfill the Great Commandment and finish the Great Commission.
Please Pray for the Blueprint...
1. We are trying to raise $40,000.00 USD to pre-buy 5,000 of the first copies of the book by June 18, 2007. If we raise this amount of funding, our desire is to give the first 5,000 copies out for free at "The Call Nashville" as a seed offering into the hands of students who rise up to take the challenge and call to transform their campuses for Christ.
If you or others feels led to donate goto: Donate to CCN
2. Pray that Holy Spirit will get this book into the hand of every student (or non-student) who truly desires to transform their campuses through a passion for prayer, power evangelism and planting simple churches among the lost.
3. Pray the "The Blueprint Revolution" spreads as a grass roots movement to inspire others to see God move in His great love and supernatural power of His Spirit in our generation.
You can "pre-order" the The Blueprint at
click here to pre-order (encourage your friends to pre-order!)
Also, join the group to support one another with stories from the field (The Blueprint: A Handbook for Revival on Campus)
click here to join facebook group
Summary of Book
In "The Blueprint" is the unveiling stories of 24-7 prayer rising up on campuses, testimonies of signs, wonders and miracles breaking out among ordinary students, and how students are getting "missional" and going out to plant simple churches among pockets of un-reached student groups and how we can all "do it" too...
Thanks for the prayers friends, seriously, you guys are the ones who have inspired me to keep writing with your comments, prayers and love these last few years. Much love! It's all God, and let this book be His and for His glory.
I once heard this quote. A young man asked a great man of faith, "What is the best thing I can do with my life? The man of faith said, "Find out what God is doing in your generation and give your life to it!" (Acts 13:22) <><
wow... i can't wait to the book. Thanks so much for coming back this year for the Nyack conference. I just finished my first year attending nyack college and God has really been putting a spirit of urgency in us. He is really calling his generation to "rise up" and at times it hurts me so much that these students that attend this "christian college" know about God's love but have not personally experienced it... they have grown cold and apathetic to this Jesus that we constantly learn about. When i told some of my friends that truly have a heart for God that more than 100 students/ young peoples have committed their lives to go to China for atleast 2 years in parington they were amazed. He is calling our college to repent and turn to him, realizing that we need more than just bible classes and teachings.
I don't think its a coincidence that the retreat takes place at the nyack campus, where AB Simpson first founded that school 125 years ago having a heart to send people out to do the work of the Lord. and the message of intimacy has been magnified in my life this past year and God has really been working in me constantly speaking his love and its esp. hard for asian kids to understand this unconditional part of his love. Its amazing. "From the outflow of the heart the mouth speaks" I had to check my motives of why i spread the gospel and how much i truly know God. thanks Jaeson... reading your blogs .. your struggles and victories is really such an encouragement to me... I know that I am not alone even when it seems like it. God is SO faithful and i just can't imagine what He is going to as thousands of people are fasting in America and all over the world.
don't take this as an admission of god sending me to your journal entries because he's working in my life through your words. i dont agree with a lot of stuff you put out there and i kind of think you're delusional in some respect. but i keep coming back to your blog.
Awesome story! I'm reminded of the story of how Jim Goll prophesied to Dutch Sheets back in the 90s that there was a "book inside of him." Well, the book that came forth was Intercessory Prayer. And I think 100,000 plus copies sold is a definite confirmation of that word! Praise God!
May your book bring about great changes in this generation!
praise God! may God be glorified through your book! thanks for writing!
Hey Jason it has been too long since I last saw you in Argentina. I am just finishing my dts and I am doing my outreach in LA,CA. Unfortunately I will miss The Call Nashville but I will be praying and fasting that day on my one.
p.s. I need no more idols only more love for Jesus
Hey Jason how are you?
This is Nathan from back in 2004 at the cause in Colorado Springs. Last I saw u was in Argentina. I am coming to to LA for my DTS outreach. I wish I could be in nashville.
leave me line maybe I'll see you in cali.
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ahh! praise God! What an awesome testimony of how God can use one man to touch thousands. Hope the book inspires even more to follow Him. Jesus totally rocks.
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I love Father~
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